Incorporating household production into the National Transfer Accounts for Slovenia
A group of CWW and NTA researchers has published "Incorporating household production into the National Transfer Accounts for Slovenia" in the journal Post-Communist Economies.
Sambt, J., Donehower, G., and Verbič, M. (2016) “Incorporating household production into the National Transfer Accounts for Slovenia.” Post-Communist Economies, 28(2): 249-267.
The National Transfer Accounts (NTA) have recently been developed to measure economic flows across age groups. In this article, we extend the NTA for Slovenia by including the value of unpaid household production. Based on time-use data, we discover that people in Slovenia spent even more time on household production than on paid work, which emphasises the necessity of including household production in the NTA analysis. We find that there are large net transfers of household production flowing from adults to children, and to a lesser extent also to the elderly. We calculate unpaid production separately for both genders, and discover that females provide much more unpaid production and total productive work than males. In addition, they face a much more intensive ‘rush hour of life’ than males. We expect that similar patterns may be found in other post-communist countries where equalising labour force participation by gender was central to the communist agenda, but where no similar efforts were undertaken to equalise household work burdens.
CWW Country Report, South Africa
The first CWW Country Report features results from South Africa.
CWW country reports provide an overview of the estimates for that country. These include age profiles of market labor income and consumption by sex from National Transfer Accounts. To include unpaid care work, consumption and production from National Time Transfer Accounts are included as well. The first country report published is from South Africa. Please click the link below to view the report.
Counting Women's Work at 38th International Association for Time Use Research Conference
The Counting Women's Work project presented a special session at the 38th International Association of Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference, hosted in Seoul, South Korea, July 2016. The session provided a useful opportunity to engage more closely with the time-use research community.
The Counting Women's Work project presented a special session at the 38th International Association of Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference, hosted in Seoul, South Korea, from 19 to 22 July 2016. The session was well received and provided a useful opportunity to engage more closely with the time-use research community.
The following presentations were made:
Gretchen Donehower: Age and Gender in Time Use-Based Estimates of the Care Economy and Household Production
Morne Oosthuizen: Counting Women's Work in South Africa
Eugenia Amporfu: Measuring the Distribution of Housework among Men and Women in Ghana
Lili Vargha: Household production and consumption over the lifecycle in Europe
Estela Rivero: Intergenerational time transfers and time use in Mexico. A 2002-2014 comparison
NTA XI Conference
A number of country teams presented the research they have been conducting as part of the Counting Women's Work project at the 11th Global Meeting of
A number of country teams presented the research they have been conducting as part of the Counting Women's Work project at the 11th Global Meeting of the NTA Network in Dakar and Saly, Senegal, from 20 to 24 June 2016. Presentations included:
Eugenia Amporfu, D.Sakyi, P.B. Frimpong, E.Arthur, J.Novignon, Measuring the Distribution of Housework among Men and Women in Ghana: The National Time Transfer Accounts Approach
Nguyen Thi Lan Huong, Pham Ngoc Toan, and Pham Minh Thu, Using National Time Transfer Accounts Approach to Analyse Labor Income Gap by Gender in Vietnam
Pamela Jiménez Fontana, Gender inequality on the intergenerational flows in Costa Rica
Laishram Ladusingh, Wake Up India, Count Women's Work
Oumy Laye and Latif Dramani, Trade off Between Labor Market and Domestic Market in Senegal
Moses Muriithi, Reuben Mutegi, Germano Mwabu, The Incomes and Labor Supplies of Unpaid Family Workers in Kenya
Morné Oosthuizen, Counting Women's Work in South Africa
Estela Rivero, Changes in intrahousehold time transfers in Mexico between 2002 and 2014: What accounts for what?
Other presentations related to Counting Women's Work can be found here. One exciting development of the conference was that the group of West African countries involved in creating demographic dividend observatories would incorporate a gender perspective and time use analyses into those plans.
For more information about the NTA XI conference, please visit the conference site.
Retos para materializar el dividendo de género
Costa Rica team leader Pamela Jiménez-Fontana has published the article "Retos para materializar el dividendo de género" in the journal Revista Población y Salud en Mesoamérica.
Jiménez-Fontana, P., 2016. "Retos para materializar el dividendo de género". Revista Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 13(2).
The gender dividend is a potential opportunity for economic growth due to an increase in women’s participation in the labor market; however, non-remunerated work can be a barrier to increase women’s labor force participation. In order to analyze the relationship between non-remunerated production and the potential gender dividend, this article analyzes time use age profiles, and the non-remunerated production and consumption in Costa Rica. Furthermore, the study estimates a potential unmet demand of childcare. The paper uses the methods developed by the international network National Transfer Accounts. The main results of the study confirm that women are the responsible for household work, while men on average specialize in the labor market. The results show that there is not more co-responsibility between men and women of younger generations. The materialization of the gender dividend depends heavily on public policies that seek to reduce women’s household workload and increase quality jobs opportunities.
Infographic, Fertility Decline in CWW Countries
Counting Women’s Work countries are all experiencing falling fertility, but the pace of decline varies widely across countries. The infographic comparing fertility levels and change is shown below.
Counting Women’s Work countries are all experiencing falling fertility, but the pace of decline varies widely across countries. The infographic comparing fertility levels and change is shown below.
All infographics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
- Africa 3
- Asia 3
- Audio 2
- Brazil 1
- Burkina Faso 2
- Colombia 10
- Costa Rica 10
- Covid19 2
- Cross-country 19
- El Salvador 1
- Europe 5
- Example Code 1
- Fertility 2
- Gender Dividends 3
- Ghana 4
- Hispanic ethnicity 1
- Human Capital 1
- Hungary 1
- India 3
- Kenya 2
- Latin America 7
- Mauritius 2
- Methodology 6
- Mexico 4
- Policy-related 10
- Senegal 5
- Slides 10
- Slovenia 1
- South Africa 9
- South Korea 2
- Spain 2
- Spanish language 4
- Turkey 1
- United States 3
- Uruguay 2
- Video 7
- Vietnam 4
- Web Conference 4